Alia Musica
The Associazione Culturale Alia Musica has been active in Italy since 1991.
Purpose of the Association is to support talents, organise concerts and events.
The Associazione Culturale Alia Musica has been working for 30 years in the organisation of high quality concerts and events. Singers like Anna Caterina Antonacci, ensembles like the "Solisti della Scala" and stage actors like Ottavia Piccolo have been involved in original and innovative events and concerts.
Alia Musica means "Other Music": the world of music suffers from the lack of orinigality and a general lack of depth. The idea that talent and in-deep study can be replaced by sheer appearance and ephemeral "social" fame is drying up the international music scene. To counter this tendency, Alia Musica mission is to promote real talent, depth and creativity.
Without ever compromise on quality, Alia Musica has collaborated with other oragnisations to realise events and show or to support musical higher education. From the concert for the 30 years of ANT in Bologna, to the recent joint Italy-China projects, the resources of the Associazione are used to spread our idea of Music for the new millenium.
The career of Massimo Guidetti as a pianist has moved along different paths.
In the chamber music field he has collaborated with soloists and many chamber ensembles (Solisti della Scala, Europa Galante,
Solisti dell'Orchestra Mozart), giving concerts in Europe and the USA. He has recorded many times for radio broadcasts.
As "maestro sostituto" (répétiteur), vocal coach and accompanist he has collaborated with the most important italian theatres (Teatro Regio in Parma, Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Teatro del Maggio Musicale in Florence) working with conductors like John Eliot Gardiner, Daniel Oren, Valery Giergiev, Yuri Temirkanov and accompanying in concert soloists like Mirella Freni, Alfredo Kraus, Renato Bruson, Leo Nucci, Daniela Dessì and Michele Pertusi.
Massimo also teaches at the Conservatorio di Bologna and lately he holds regular masterclasses at the most important music Conservatories in China (Central Conservatory of Beijing, Conservatories of Canton, Tianjin and Xi'an).
Artistic Director of Associazione Culturale Alia Musica since the foundation, over the last few years Massimo has started important projects of artistic education and musical production, also in collaboration with companies and institutions in China.
The Associazione Culturale Alia Musica was founded in 1991 as an organisational counterpart to the namesake vocal ensemble.
The activity of the vocal group wanes over the first years of 2000 and the focus of the Associazione moves towards the orgnisation of events, often in collaboration with other organisations. Along these lines Alia Musica organised, among others, a concert for the 30 years of ANT in Bologna and a special concert in Switzerland to celebrate the late composer Carlo Florindo Semini.
Alia Musica supports high quality, innovative projects, with a keen eye to new technologies, and creative collaboration with like-minded artists or organisations.
The active collaboration with institutions and artists in China represents a large part of Alia Musica's current effort to spread our challenging idea of Music.